Sunday, March 30, 2008

Reunion Location Possibilities

This week while in SLC, I checked out a few parks and locales for the reunion. I looked at the Sports Mall, which has a great big grassy area with a sand volleyball court. Pool access may also be a possibility. We could bring in some big grills and do a barbecue. It would be nice and private. The gym at the Sports Mall could also be used for the evening dinner/reception. The daytime price would be $5 per person (including for children) and I haven't negotiated anything for the evening yet. The food cost whether we cater or go potluck style, will be in addition to the $5. My goal for the evening price will be somewhere in the $20-30 range.

I looked at some of the park pavilions within Murray Parks and Rec, and this looks like our best options:

Murray Park Pavilion #2
(Pavilion Capacity 250)

Rules for Murray Parks:
*Rental available from 8am to park closing at 11pm
*No amplified sound or alcohol allowed
*Limited electrical--two 110 outlets
*Equipment bags available for rent with reserved pavilion
*Blowup structures are not allowed at Pavilions 1 & 3 in Murray Park; Hidden Village, Walden, Winchester, or Grant. Use of blowup structures require Park staff approval
*Must have own generator for blowups

So using Murray park would be inexpensive, but we couldn't amplify any music or do any P.A. announcements. We could rent some blow-ups, which I haven't priced out yet, but we'll have to also rent the generators. I also need to figure out if the pavilion rental price is hourly or by the day.

There's also a possibility for renting MHS...if I can get anyone to call me back...

1 comment:

Carrie said...

If interest is high for the Sports Mall, please contact me and I will "negotiate" price....since it's my dad!
-Carrie Cook Pace